Troubleshooting Phone Issues

By Leap Installs - 0 comment

[vc_row][vc_column extend="false"][vc_column_text] If you don't have dial tone on any of your phones, begin troubleshooting by figuring out whether the problem is happening inside or outside the business. [/vc_column_text][pt_ext__empty_space margin_lg="25" margin_md="25" margin_sm="25" margin_xs="25" el_class="" version="1"][vc_column_text]Are You Getting Any Signal? If you aren't getting any signal, you won't have dial tone on any of your phones, and the problem is probably…

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By Leap Installs - 0 comment

[vc_row][vc_column extend="false"][vc_column_text] VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It is also referred to as IP Telephony, Internet Telephony, and Internet Calling. It is an alternative way of making phone calls that can be very cheap or completely free. The ‘phone’ part is not always present anymore, as you can communicate without a telephone set. VoIP has been named…

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